12-13 July 2023, Bishkek, Sheraton Hotel. Hybrid format conference “Follow-up to the study visit to Armenia”

12-13 July 2023, Bishkek, Sheraton Hotel. Hybrid format conference “Follow-up to the study visit to Armenia”.

This event was held within the framework of the EU Outreach Project on Promoting Effective Arms Export Controls and aimed at continuing the good co-operation on promoting effective conventional arms export controls with the partner country Kyrgyzstan.

During a previous study visit to Yerevan, the Kyrgyz delegation received valuable information on the application of technical assessment in the field of export controls from the host country, Armenia. Customs, licensing officials and expert organizations benefited greatly from the demonstration of the experience of Armenian representatives and EU experts in this field.

Based on the findings of the study visit, this online event was organized to further deepen knowledge sharing on this important topic.

The first day of the workshop was dedicated to discussing the findings from the recent study visit to Armenia. The session focused on the key points that were most relevant to Kyrgyzstan, including what they learnt, what was important and what could be improved in future workshops.

On the second day of the online event, the agenda focused on several important topics related to the role of industry in trade control, including an introduction to the German approach to working with industry. This topic helped participants to better understand the role of industry in export controls, especially in relation to “know your product”. In addition, there were presentations on a brief introduction to the topic of e-licensing systems and the benefits and opportunities they provide.

The event was attended by experts from BAFA (German Federal Ministry of Economics and Export Control) and representatives of government agencies, organizations and institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic (from the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Economy and Commerce, Border Guard Service, Customs Service, Chamber of Commerce and Industry), as well as representatives of the Centre for Nonproliferation and Export Control, who made a presentation on “Post-Processing Study Tour to Armenia”. This presentation provided comprehensive information on the changes that are taking place and planned in the Kyrgyz Republic’s national export control system.




