On June 16, 2023 in Bishkek, the Plaza Hotel, a roundtable on “National legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic as a factor of protection against biological threats in the face of global challenges” was held

On June 16, 2023 in Bishkek, the Plaza Hotel, a round table on “National legislation of KR, as a factor of protection against biological threats in the face of global challenges” was held, organized by the Center for Expert Initiatives “Oi- Ordo”.

The purpose of the event was to discuss topical issues related to the development of national legislation to ensure biological security in Kyrgyzstan.

The discussion included: priorities of international cooperation of the Kyrgyz Republic in ensuring biosafety, challenges and threats to biological security of the Central Asian countries in the conditions of forming a new world order, etc.


The event was attended by some representatives of the parliament (Jogorku Kenesh), government agencies, and the civil sector, including representatives of our Center on Nonproliferation and Export Control.


Some roundtable participants expressed the view that the assistance provided or to be provided by major donors was selective, and they considered the assistance of Western countries to be unacceptable.

At the same time, representatives of the Center for Nonproliferation and Export Control expressed the opinion that, since Kyrgyzstan is a developing country, there is no need to politicize biological security issues and assistance from any international organization, donor, or country will be very necessary and relevant. First of all, it is necessary to take into account that the country needs to strengthen the national biological security system, including the appropriate equipment of domestic biological laboratories, training of personnel, development and adoption of relevant regulations.