Joint Training on export control and non-proliferation for representatives of government agencies and academia (October 27-28, 2022).
In the period from October 27-28, 2022, the Ministry of Economy and Commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic hosted a training on the topic “Export control and non-proliferation” for representatives of the scientific community in the field of biology and chemistry. (Ministry of Agriculture, Veterinary Service, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision, National Academy of Sciences, Kyrgyz National University, Research and Production Association “Practical Medicine”).
In this event, consultants from the OSCE Program Office in Bishkek, the Ministry of Economy and Commerce, the Center for Non-Proliferation and Export Control and the Biosafety Association of Central Asia and the Caucasus acted as trainers
During the two-day event, the participants gained knowledge in the field of WMD non-proliferation, got acquainted with the main provisions of international treaties in the field of WMD non-proliferation such as the NPT, CWC and BTWC, as well as international export control regimes. In particular, the consultant of the Center for Non-Proliferation and Export Control Marat Sadykov spoke about the Chemical Weapons Convention in an interactive presentation.
In addition, the participants got acquainted with the main provisions of Resolution 1540 (2004) of the UN Security Council.
On the second day of the event, the participants gained knowledge on the main aspects of export control and the national export control system.
Also, various presentations were prepared for the participants on the topics: identification, law enforcement, intra-company export control programs.
At the end of the two-day training, the participants shared their vision of the export control system and the implementation of UNSCR 1540 (2004).